

When you hear the term self-care, what do you think of? Getting your nails done? Taking a hot bath? Retail therapy? While all those things are great, self-care is actually much more than that.

 Self care is defined as, “a practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” Self-care is an activity that we deliberately do in order to take care of our mental, emotional and physical health. It’s a practice of self awareness, paying attention to ourselves and giving ourselves what we need to live a balanced life. Good self-care may improve your mood and reduce your anxiety!

Self-care may look different for each of us and it’s important to get to know yourself so that you are aware of your triggers, needs and desires.  Below is a list to help you get started on your journey of practicing self-care:

  1. Say NO When You Want To Say No:  If you don’t want to do something or know that something is no longer good for you, say NO. Staying true to yourself and not betraying yourself is self-care.
  2. Rest:  Self care is allowing your mind and body to rest when they need to.  Are you getting enough sleep? Do you know how much sleep you need to feel good the next day? Find a routine that helps you unwind so that you are able to turn off your mind and get the rest that you need.
  3. Take Care Of Your Body:  Do you listen to your body? How do you feel when you sit too long? Do you need a good stretch? How do you feel after each meal? Are you giving yourself the nutrients that make you feel good afterwards? Exercise and a healthy balanced diet are proven to improve mental health. Pay attention to how your body feels.
  4. Ask For Help: We can’t do everything on our own and keep our sanity at the same time. Asking for help is perfectly okay! It’s giving yourself what you need so that you don’t fall apart. Do you need help with your home? With your mental health? Take the next step and give yourself what you need.
  5. Take A Break:  Do you know when you’re doing too much? Do you know when you need slow down or else you might explode? Self-care is knowing your triggers and your limits. Walk away when you need to. Stop when you need to. Give yourself permission to do what is best for you.
  6. Be Gentle With Yourself:  Being harsh and critical of yourself will only make you feel worse and will keep you even further from your dreams and goals. Forgive yourself. Have compassion for yourself. You are doing the best you can with what you know at this time. Speak to yourself as if you are speaking to your child self, with kindness and compassion. Start with a daily positive affirmation “I am loved and whole just the way I am”.
  7. Feed Your Soul:  What do you desire? What do you long for? Self-care means to stop ignoring your needs and start paying attention to them. Sign up for that art class. Take that trip. Call that person. Take the risk. What is your soul craving?
  8. Make Quiet Time For You:  You won’t know what you need, what you desire or what is best for you if you aren’t in touch with who you are. You have to take time to get to know yourself. You can do this by making time just for you, even if it’s only 10 minutes a day. Write in a journal. Make a daily gratitude list. Do deep breathing exercises or meditate. Take a walk in nature. Pay attention to how things make you feel. Tune in inwards so that you can hear yourself.

Remember to make your mental health a priority. You don’t have to go through difficult times on your own. You can find me at or reach me by email at I am now offering in person and virtual services for Michigan residents!

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